Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Enjoy everything!

By Miu Everything I thought about living in the countryside was wrong. However, compared with the place where my host family took me last Sunday, my hometown was not countryside at all. I don’t like countryside because I am accustomed living there since I was born. However, the countryside of Spokane was different from my hometown, so I really enjoyed the place. It is the best memory during the homestay, and I also learned an important thing from this experience.

I was really surprised because my host family has three houses. The first house is for to live in by them and the second one is for lending to someone, and the third one is for their hobby. My host father, Paul, and mother, Christine really like nature. Therefore, they bought a house at Green Bluff to enjoy their holidays. On Sunday, my host family took Yuiko and me to their third house. On the way there, I saw a lot of animals such as cows, horses and alpacas. I’ve never seen so many alpacas before, so I was very surprised. Arriving at their house, I was surprised again because their land is so huge. Paul likes country work. He has his own tractor and I got it rode. My house is in countryside, but my family doesn’t have any field; so, it was the first experience for me. I used the backhoe and moved a little snow. After that, I boiled a sausage and made a hotdog. It was so delicious. Next, I boiled a marshmallow and ate them with chocolates and cookies. This American popular outdoor sweet is called “s’more”. When I came to Spokane as an exchange student two years ago, I went to senior year camp with Saint George’s students; then we did the same thing. S’more is my favorite sweet, so I was really happy to eat it again. When I was eating it, I saw a deer. I’ve seen it only once before, and it is my second time to meet a deer. At Green Bluff, I had a lot of precious and great experiences.

Before I went to Green Bluff, actually I didn’t want to go to there so much. I would rather go shopping again than go to countryside. However, I saw beautiful nature and many animals, rode my host father’s tractor and ate delicious outdoor foods, and I really enjoyed the place. The most important thing I learned from my host family is exactly that. To enjoy everything! Paul works at a bank every day, so he needs something to relax on the weekend. Relaxing for him is going to the countryside and having fun! My host family enjoyed this activity so much, so I also enjoyed it. My home stay weekend was so exciting. Thank you Anderson family.

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