Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Where Am I Going?

By Reika

I want to be a person who makes an atmosphere with smiles. This is my ideal image which I found last month in Cambodia. I’ve supported one rural school since I entered the university and I visited the school last month. I belong to an international student organization named CREDO that means a belief in Latin. I’ve being a member since last spring. I have worked so hard to support the school for about 9 months. For examples, I did street collections with my reliable members every weekend. We stood on the street and told people how Cambodians need support and help. When they agreed with our ideas, they donated a little money to us. We did this activity 39 times for 9 months. As a result, we collected about one million two hundred thousand yen. Through Non-Profit Organization, we have supported the school for two computers, a solar panel, internet connection, a teacher and a digital camera. When we visited the school, children welcomed us with lots of smiles and they told us they were very happy to be able to study. Then, I found my ideal image of life. I wanted to be a person who makes an atmosphere with smiles. I sometimes had a hard time to continue my volunteer work, but if I think what I’m doing leads to someone’s smile, that will be wonderful.

In order to make the smiles, I think getting to know each other and accepting and understanding differences are the most important thing. I would like people to know more about developing countries, so I keep writing blogs, doing street collection and holding photo galleries

However, I feel students’ strength has a limit. We are not as strong as adults. What I’m doing now is far away from solving problems in developing countries, so I would like to study business and help them via a business field. That’s why I would like to study abroad in England and I need to be a good English speaker. These are my short-term goals while I’m in undergraduate campus life. In order to reach my goals, I will use English as much as I can and I won’t miss opportunities to study English such us an office hour, homestay and tutorials.

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