Sunday, April 10, 2011

Always Enjoy My Life

By Miu

My philosophy in my life is to enjoy it! I don’t want to regret and endure. I always want to believe myself and just go my way. I think this philosophy is also the goal of my life. Therefore, my long range goal is to enjoy my life without regrets. However, it doesn’t mean I want to do only fun and interesting things. I think pain and efforts also need. When I get over them, I can feel confidence and senses of achievement. In my opinion, that is the most important thing to enjoy my life.
Now, I’m in MFWI and study English very hard. We have to speak English only at class rooms and library. It is sometimes difficult for me, but it is a really good way to improve my English speaking skill. In addition, teachers give us a lot of assignments every day and they sometimes make me tired. The life at MFWI is a little hard for me like this; but I came here to study English, so I have to work hard. However, studying English is not everything. I want to try a lot of new thing. For that reasons, I applied to Muko News and I love MFWI. Moreover, I started walking and jogging every night as diet. It is a first challenge for me, because I hate to exercise. I wish to do my best everything including not fun things. I wish to learn many things from many people. When I’ll be back to Japan in May, I hope to say “I lead a full life at MFWI. I don’t want to back Japan!” This is my short term goal.

My long range goal is to enjoy my life as I wrote before. However, I haven’t decided about my future, so I must find dream at first. I want to take a job concerned with using English, but I don’t know exactly what it is. I’m interested in studying abroad and this is another my short term goal. I wish to manage to come true this goal during I’m a college student. If I can study abroad, there are a lot of difficulties. However, those experiences will be useful to broaden my horizons. Then I can evaluate which job is suited for me. I’ll take the best job, and meet cool and rich men, and marry him, then bear children; that is, my future plan. Anyway, I want to study abroad, get the best job and live happily with my family. When I’ll die someday, I hope to say “I enjoyed my life. I don’t want to die!” That is my long range goal.

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