Saturday, April 16, 2011

Martin Luther King Jr.

By Saki Mu

If you could meet anyone in the world, past or present, who would you like to meet? If I could meet anyone in the world I would like to meet Martin Luther King Jr. I want to meet him because he had done so many movements in the American history and he is one of the leaders who worked for equalities for the African-American people. I think his life was really harsh and not easy. However Martin Luther King Jr., himself may not think his life was great, but many people thank him about what he had done for the people who was discriminated. Also, I was impressed by his speech which he made in front of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. I really respect him in many ways and I think will never change my mind of this in my life.

I think Martin Luther King Jr. was a fantastic leader of anti-Apartheid; Apartheid is the movement of discriminating African-American people from white people. I learned about Apartheid movement when I was in South Carolina. South Carolina is in the Southeast of America, where Apartheid was really harsh. Even though it was 2003; some people, very few of them still had a prejudice towards African-American people and treated them not equally. I thought the idea was crazy, but I was really helpless and could not do anything for them. From my experience, I thought what Martin Luther King Jr. had done was really big. This is one of the reasons why I respect Martin Luther King Jr. and want to meet him.

My second reason for why I want to meet him is that because I was impressed by his speech begins with “I have a dream…” I learned about his speech when I was in high school, and I learned that he did not prepare for the great speech. He changed his whole speech when he was about to make his speech in front of a lot of people at Lincoln Memorial. I was very surprised and want to know how he came up with the word “I have a dream…” I was really moved by how he made the speech and his words.

I would like to meet Martin Luther King Jr. if I could meet anyone in the world either from the past or present. I want to meet him because he had done so much precious thing to help people in American history and no one can defeat his strong will ever. Of course there are more great people in the world, but I think Martin Luther King Jr. is the bravest person in the American history and the words that he speaks can move people’s emotion into the right way.

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