Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Tracing Great History of America


Though I’m excited to write this journal which is about the East Coast trip, I’m worried at the same time, because I’m not sure that I can explain in my words how wonderful a trip it was!! Before the East Coast trip, I learned American history from tour book in Spokane. Learning American history from books was interesting enough to me; on the one hand, I couldn’t feel the connection between the beginning of the US and the US now. However, in these five days, I visited many impressive historical places and memorials, so I actually learned how the US became the present-day US. Every place made me excited and led me to the world of great American history. It’s hard for me to choose three places in which I was most impressed, but I especially love the Beacon Hill in Boston, Orchard House, and Mount Vernon. These three places were so impressive that they exceeded my expectation.

Beacon Hill was a charming residential area in which people built their homes. When our bus went into the area, the view of the out of the window changed obviously, and I felt as if I were in the world of an old American movie. There were many antique houses and buildings of old red bricks. It seemed that the time stopped in the 1800s only in the area. The road of red bricks made the atmosphere of Beacon Hill more antique. The sky was clear blue and the sun’s rays came between the gaps of the old buildings. Trees which were planted along sidewalk seemed to wait for spring come and the leaves of the trees were shaking in the wind. In Louisburg Square, there were houses which were built between 1834 and 1847 and there also was the house that Louisa May Alcott lived in from 1885 to 1887. I was really excited when I saw the house, because I really like her novel. I loved the atmosphere of Beacon Hill and I hope that I will visit there once more before I die.

There are many interesting places to see in Boston, and above all, I really looked forward to visiting Orchard house, because I enjoyed reading “Little Women”, and I’m interested in the author, Louisa May Alcott. The house was smaller than I expected and the inside of the house was dark. I was impressed by the pictures which were drawn on the wall of her sister’s room. There were many fine pictures even under the window. I felt that my heart was pounding with on an imagine of Louisa May Alcott writing her novels in the room. The room had an atmosphere all its own. I’ve never had such a feeling. It was not just excitement; I can’t explain the feeling in my words. After visiting the house, I’m interested in Louisa May Alcott more deeply, so I would like to read her other novels.

Lastly, I really enjoyed visiting Mount Vernon. Mount Vernon was the place which was loved by the most important person in American history, George Washington. Inside the house, there are many small rooms. I was surprised about it, because I thought that there might be big gorgeous rooms in the house before I visited. In fact, the rooms were not so big and the decoration was not so gorgeous. Each room had a different color and different paint. The walls of one room were painted all green and farming tools were drawn on the ceiling of the room, because George Washington loved agriculture. It was interesting to me. The view of the outside of the house was great. The Potomac River ran magnificently and I could hear the song of birds from trees. The first leader of the US might have enjoyed the beautiful landscape after his retirement. I enjoyed not only the house, but also the facilities which were built near the house. I watched a short movie about George Washington in orientation center and there was a marvelous museum in the education center. I thought that one hour was not enough time to look around the facilities. After looking around the education center, I was interested in French-Indian War which happened before the Revolutionary war, because I found the fact that the history of George Washington started from French-Indian War, so I would like to study about the war.

All historical places where we visited during the East Coast trip were really impressive and they made me be interested more than ever in not only American history, but also Japanese history. I wanted to know what happened in Japan at the same time in each year. I would like to check the Japanese history text book which I used when I was in high school again after go back to Japan. Finally, I want to thank all of teachers, advisers, tour guides, conductors, and drivers. They lead us such a long way safely and they gave us much information which made the trip more interesting. The East Coast trip must not be such a wonderful trip without their kindness and these fantastic five days will be the best memory of the life in MFWI.

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