Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Blog Guidelines

Basic guidelines for bloggers
The following rules are by no means comprehensive.  Use common sense when writing your blog.
    Never give personal information such as your last name, contact information, home address, phone numbers, school's name, email address, last names of friends or relatives, instant messaging names, age, or birth date.
    Never give information that discusses the time, place and location of your future activities. 
    Never post provocative pictures of yourself or anyone else, and be sure any images you provide do not reveal any of the previously mentioned information. Always remember to look at the background of a picture too. Post pictures that are relevant to the topic of your blog.
    Assume what you publish on the web is permanent. Anyone on the Internet can easily print out a blog or save it to a computer.
    Keep blogs positive and don't use them for slander or to attack others.
    Blog Labels - always begin with first name and the subtopic if necessary, such as “Timothy, Homestay.

Adapted from Yahoo  Blog Guidelines,