Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Poster Presentation

How to Make an Effective Poster Presentation

A Poster Presentation is a graphic representation of your research.  It is not supposed to retell everything in detail.  Instead, it should focus on the most important information using images (pictures, charts, graphs, etc) and bullet statements.  
In addition to teaching about your research, a poster should encourage others to ask questions and engage them in conversation.

Here are a few things to consider:
  • Use an easy to read font in large print.  You should be able to read the poster from a short distance (about 4 -5 feet). 
  • Use a clear, well-focused title.  Use subtitles that highlight the main points.Use an easy to understand pattern of organization.  
  • Include important information, but don’t try to overfill the poster with too many details and pictures, as this will make it less readable.  
  • Use white space to emphasize your information.