Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Differences About Teaching Style


The most important difference of teaching style between MFWI and MWU is the distance between teachers and students. In Japan, what students have to do during a class is just listening to what teacher is saying. Students don’t have to ask a question or say their opinion, because teachers don’t demand students to do so. In contrast, in America, teachers always need students’ opinion or question. In the first class at MFWI, I realized that teachers really want to know what I think about the topic by watching their eyes. I think this is the biggest and the most important difference between the US class style and Japanese. It can be the reason why some Japanese students feel uncomfortable in the classes at MFWI now.

Firstly, there is a big difference about the students’ attitude during classes between America and Japan. For instance, most Japanese students think that it is usual to sleep during classes. I remember that many students slept during a class when I was a high school student. The thought that it is OK to sleep during classes might not change even if they became college students. On the other hand, in the U.S, we have to listen carefully to what teacher said, because we can be called by teacher and we should have some opinion to the topic of the class. Most students are not used to the American class style, so it might be the first time for them to think about participation in classes. As a result, students start thinking about their attitude more deeply during classes. Some students start feeling kind of nervous, and some students start feeling a kind of fun. There is a little difference between each student how they accept American style.

All of the students must realize some differences in the class style between the US and Japan. It might be a stress for students in a bad way or a good way. When we are used to American style classes, we will be able to understand American culture more deeply. Moreover, the experience will affect our future in a good way. We should participate in classes more actively and we should have more confidence in own opinion.


  1. I think your hournal was a good organization. I could read it easily.

  2. I liked your essay :) yes. I think Japan and America has totally different education style! Lots of silence in Japan while more active in America. Thats true.
