Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Diversity of Class Teaching


How come the classroom teaching is different between MWU and MFWI? About three weeks have passed since the classes started, and I found attractive and interesting differences between them. They have made me understand some rules in America and also helped me reconsider about Japanese rules. As a result, it is founded that both of them have peculiar systems and should be respected because these are individuality of two countries: diversity between MWU and MFWI.

There are a lot of diversity of class teaching showed in every class between MWU and MFWI. First, classes of Japan have an interesting rule of class teaching. It might be required in a class to be passive or dependent, and this attitude could keep a classroom to be quiet and help students to be in harmony, for example, in almost all classes except English classes at MFWU, I do not need to speak so much but listen to a lecture carefully without saying anything for ninety minutes. This is because the system might have a lecture keep going smoothly; moreover, teachers can teach students information efficiently in limited time. On the other hand, classes of America have other different system of class teaching. It might be required to be active or independent, and this attitude might help students have their own opinions about a topic and learn how to study by themselves, for example, in all the classes at MFWI, I have to not only pay attention to a lecture but also express myself with my own opinions during each class. Additionally, this rule might have students encourage each other to study hard and also make classes become more colorful and energetic. Both of them are quite different from each other; however, they are not good or bad but their personalities, so they should to be esteemed.

Finally, the useful characteristics or differences of each I have got comparing two types of classroom teaching should be turned out. The Japanese rule wants students to be silent and to concentrate on a lecture without saying anything, which might make a classroom calm down. On the other hand, the American system wants them to be powerful to express themselves with their own thought, which might make a classroom become interesting. I have come to MFWI to learn differences of culture, education, and life. I am not supposed to choose which the best is; however, I will input respective advantages from both of them and treasure this important diversity and features.

1 comment:

  1. I like your journal. I like your idea that both American and Japanese teaching style have advantage.
