Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Get Though Culture Shock!


What do you feel when you stay other countries for a long time? Some might feel happy, excited, or comfortable. On the other hand, others might get unhappy, disappointed, or uncomfortable. In fact, there are 4 stages of culture shock that one would go through during a stay in other countries: the honeymoon stage, culture shock, the acceptance stage, and the integration. Not everyone but most people would experience these stages, so if you know them, it will help you adjust yourself to a new environment. In other words, it is important to understand the stages to learn to live in a new culture.

Through these stages, it might be easy for your emotions to change from happy to unhappy easily like a roll coaster; for example, at the honeymoon stage, you might be excited because everything is new and seems to be interesting. At the second stage named culture shock stage, you might be depressed and get angry or sad easily against a new culture. At the next stage called the acceptance stage, you might begin to feel so comfortable that you could accept new customs, and you might not be angry or sad so often. At the last stage: the integration stage, you might think you are a member of the new country because you are used to it. As you go through the four stages, your emotions would intensely change, and then you might learn how to live in a new world.

If I try to put myself at these 4 stages of culture shock, I am unfortunately at the second stage, culture shock. This is because I sometimes do not feel good with a new environment such as food, language, and living. There is some food I cannot eat because of a difference of taste, and I have struggled to make myself understood in English. Moreover, I often have a difficulty sleeping, which phenomenon has made me notice that I suffer culture shock, but, I will not take it seriously because I know it will pass and go on the next stage soon. If you also have culture shock like me, I will tell you the situation under which you are at is temporary and you do not need to worry about it too much, so you will see an exit of culture shock soon.

Each country must have something new for you, so it is no wonder that you feel comfortable or uncomfortable during a stay in other countries. In other words, living in other countries is not easy; however, if you know you are going to get used to new customs and culture thorough these 4 stages of culture shock: the honeymoon stage, culture shock, the acceptance stage, and the integration, it might be a piece of cake for you to live together in a new environment, so you will have fun, adjusting yourself to the new wourld.


  1. Your essay is easy to understand, and you have a clear thesis statement! I really like the last paragraph!
    By Reika

  2. Your encouragement for who are suffered by culture shock was great, and I was also impressed by your positive attitude toward culture shock.
