Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Reflection Journal Topics

Week            Reflection Topic

1.       • Describe your life at MFWI.  What are the most important differences between Japan and the United States?
          • What are your short-term and long-range goals in life?  What must you do to reach these goals?

2.       • Compare and contrast the classroom teaching style of MFWI and MWU.  Give reasons, examples and details to support your answer.
           Do you prefer living in a city or a small town?  Why?  Give reasons and examples to support your answer.

3.        • Describe your visit to Cheney High School. Talk about the buildings and facilities, student-teacher interaction, classroom atmosphere, and aspects of school life.

4.       • Describe your homestay weekend.  What were the most important things you learn about American family life?
           Talk about three important cultural experiences you had on the West Coast Trip. In what way were they interesting and important?

5.        Describe the four stages of Culture Shock.  What stage are you at?  How can you help someone suffering from culture shock?
           Tell me about your three favorite movies.  Give a brief summary of each, and tell why you like them. 

6.        If you could meet anyone in the world, past or present, who would you like to meet?  Give reasons to support your answer. 
           Is there any discrimination in Japan?  Please explain.

7.       • What have you leaned at MFWI that you can use when you return to Japan?  Give reasons and examples to support your answer. 
           In what ways has your English improved?  What areas do you still need to improve?  Give details and examples to support your answer.

8/9     East Coast Trip

10.     • Write about three historical places that impressed you on the East Coast Trip.  What did you learn about them, and why were you impressed?

11.     • Some people believe that technology (cell phones, the Internet, Facebook, Mixi) is negatively affecting the way people communicate.  Do you agree or disagree?  Give reasons and examples to support your opinion.

12.     • What are the most important problems affecting the environment? How can our daily actions make a difference in solving these environmental problems?

13.     • Think about the lives of women in their 40s.  In what ways will your life be different from theirs when you are 45 years old?   

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