Thursday, March 17, 2011

Home stay

Homestay weekend

I couldn’t wait for homestay weekend since I’ve met my host family, Larry and Linda at match up day. They welcomed us warmly like family. Honestly, I didn’t look forward to spending time with host family much in America because there were 4 chances to have host family when I was in Australia. I had trouble with one family, so it was little scary to stay with host family again. In match up, my new host family had already known about us and understood my trauma because our professor, Brooks already told them about us. Dr. Brooks and my host mother have known each other since they were 12 years old. That surprised me, but their genial welcome made me relaxed.

This was the first time for her to be host family because her best friend Dr. Brooks recommended having us as host daughters to Linda. Nevertheless, Linda called us our children and cuddled me at the entrance on Friday when she saw us at Cannon House. That was the first time that I could feel her affection for people. In three days, we went many places such as downtown, Italian restaurant and Catholic Church. Wherever we went to, she talked with friends, and then whenever she met her friends or even acquaintances, she introduced us to them. It wouldn’t be happened in Japan; on the other hand, many people don’t have community and companionship like Americans do. Through 18 years, I didn’t have relationship with my neighbors like my host mother; therefore, I was confused at first. However, I think companionship is important in American life. Especially, in Spokane, people know each other long time because they lived in Spokane since they were children, so they help each other like family.

In addition, people in Spokane care about their city so much. For example, the owner of Italian restaurant where we went on Sunday serves one doughnut for free if people give signature on paper for saving MAC, and then many people signed them; People in Spokane try to make their city better together. I never saw these kinds of actions in Japan. Although I know it is proper that people care about own city, I didn’t do anything for my city because adults don’t lead children the way in modeling in Japan. It is hard to live without support from someone.

Through the three days, I knew what charity is in Spokane. People help each other and welcome new people warmly. It seems to be easy, but Japanese people don’t do it. We could have many relationships by one strong relationship such as the relationship between Linda and Dr. Brooks. That’s why I met my new parents, Larry and Linda. I realized that is why Spokane is nice city and people who live in Spokane love their hometown. Having good relationship is the most important thing to lead a pleasant life in the beautiful city.

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