Wednesday, March 30, 2011

My Favorite Movies

by Sayuri

I love watching movies. I’m taught new thinking ways, history and knowledge after I watch movies. I can go to wonderful world while I’m watching movies. I watch any kind of movies except horror movies, so I show you three good movies which taught me do not give up, be positive and importance of imagination: The Terminal, Life is Beautiful and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

I like airports, so the movie The Terminal is one of my favorite movies. The movie start from a scene, a man was denied entry gate at an American airport because of his country’s revolution. He had to stay there until his passport got power force and then his new life at the airport started. I like this movie because it taught me my life will give me a lot of trials, but if I do not give up, I will reach my goal.

Life is Beautiful is also my favorite movie because it has not only sad story but also cheerful story. During WWII, an Italian family whose religion was Judaism was taken to a concentration camp. The mother was separated from her son and husband. The cheerful father lied to his son that it was a game and if we won the game we would get a big car. Their hard but warm days started. The father taught me even if my days seemed tough, a positive behavior made you relax.

I’m interested in operation in sweet company, so I really like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. At first, Wonka, a manager of Wonka’s Chocolate Factory, said 5 people who got golden tickets were able to come to his factory. As a result 5 children visited there. One of them, Charlie, had an unbelievable, sweet and wonderful time at the factory. Nevertheless, some scary happenings came up to them. After the movie, I felt excited and I wanted to ask the director how he created it. This work exceeded my imagination.

Movies are a part of my life. I’m always taught important things which I need to live in my daily life such as being positive and work hard. If you need confidence, want to knew different ideas or just have fun, watching movies is one of the way.


  1. I like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, too! I've watched it many times before. Your essay is organaized very well, so it's easy to understand.

  2. I love watching movies,too. I watched movies The Terminal and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, but I have never watched Life is Beautiful. Was it Italian movie? After I read your bolog,I wanted to watch it.
