Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Impressive Movies


Watching movies always gives me inspiration in many ways. It gives me a sad feeling, a happy feeling, and other various feelings which I cannot express in my words. I have loved to watch movies since I was in elementary school, because my mother loved to. She took me a DVD rental shop and we rent four DVDs per week. I really liked to watch DVDs with my mother, so I finished my homework before watching them. Thus, watching movie became one custom of my daily life. I don’t remember all of the movies which I watched, but there are some movies I cannot forget. These movies will be in my heart as a part of my life.

One of my favorite movies is “Life is beautiful”, an Italian language film which tells the story of a Jewish-Italian man. When I first watched this movie, I was shocked because I didn’t know that there was such a terrible discrimination against Jewish Italian. However, I was very impressed by the main character’s way of life. He never forgot to smile in front of his son and his wife by the end of his life. He always made his family happy and enjoyed his life if he was in a difficult situation. This is a beautiful story.

Next, there is a little strange but good love story which I like. To be honest, I don’t like love stories so much, except “Buffalo’66”. I really like this movie. This movie made by Vincent Gallo who is an American actor, a movie director, and a screenwriter. He is most associated with independent movies, and “Buffalo’66” is one of them. I don’t know why I like this movie, but I just like the atmosphere of this movie. This movie gave me a different kind of happy feeling at the end of the story, so it’s a one reason why I like it. There is no any specific reason to like it, but it’s one of my favorite movies.

Finally, I have a movie which I would like to recommend to all people who are interested in Japan: “Princess Mononoke”. It is an animation movie that was produced by Hayao Miyazaki, who is one of founders of Ghibli Studio. The theme of this movie is a battle of nature and humans. The story is a little confusing, but the message of this story is very valuable. After watching this movie, you will think more deeply about the relationship between nature and humans. I am proud of this movie as a Japanese, and Ghibli movies are one of the most important assets which show Japanese culture to other countries.

I think that I can learn many things from movies that I cannot learn from textbooks. Now, I don’t have enough time to watch movies in the library, but I would like to try watching as many as possible. Watching movies keeps giving me various feelings and new inspiration forever.


  1. Yuiko,I can understand how you love to watch movies through your journal. Your explanation about the movies you recommend is great. I hardly watch a movie but will try these movies! From Miyuki

  2. I like this essay, especially your thesis and you introduced different kinds of movie, I want to try to watch your recommendation.
