Saturday, April 2, 2011

Cheney High School Visiting


Visiting Cheney High school was very good experience for me to understand American culture more deeply. I’ve watched how American high school is in some movies or American dramas, but I’ve never known the real atmosphere of American high school. The first impression of the students was they looked older than their real age, both girls and boys. Besides, they wore their own clothes, someone tinted hair color and someone pierced earring. Their clothes made them look older. When I came in classroom, there were many papers and posters on the wall. Important points when students write essays were written the posters or papers. My pen pal told me that the posters were written by the students. When students write essay or journal, they look at the wall and remember the important points. It is a good way for writing good essay.I found some differences from Japanese highschool, especially the atmoshpere of class and the distance between teachers and students.

The atmosphere of class was more comfortable than Japan. Students said own opinions actively and they enjoyed asking questions or saying thier own opinions. Teacher talked with students as if they are friends, so they seemed very relaxed to talk with teacher. Compared with Japanese teaching style, there were many different points in every way, and I think the most important difference is the distance between teachers and students. If American students observe Japanese class, they have to think the same thing.

Students were very friendly to me and they were funny. I really enjoyed talking with them. As I talked with them, I felt uncomfortable because of my poor speaking skill. I really want to speak English more fluently. I need practice more than the other students.

1 comment:

  1. I like your great obeservations of American high school! I like your topic sentence and thesis statement in the paragraph one!
    By Reika
