Thursday, April 14, 2011

Discrimination in Japan


Although all people should be treated equally, regrettably, there is discrimination even a small island country like Japan. There is a word “buraku”, which describes an area or people who have low social status. Once in the past, they were treated in terrible way by people who were higher status than them, but the discrimination began to be focused on people as a serious social problem. Then, a law for “buraku” people was found in 1871 and they were emancipated institutionally, but there is discrimination against them even now. Discrimination has existed over periods in Japan. Now, Japanese should think more deeply about this problem.

When Japanese use the word “buraku”, it never has a positive meaning. The people who said the word wanted to tell something negative. For example, a person who came from an area which was “buraku” in Edo Era was often remembered with a bad image. The bad image meant they were not well educated. People may call the person “buraku”, and it will take more time for the person to be believed by other people. It is a common case of discrimination against “buraku” people.

There is discrimination not only for the people, but also against the area. As I wrote, “buraku” also had a meaning of an area in which low social status people lived in Edo era. Now, the areas have no particular differences from other areas. However, some adults don’t want their children to go to “buraku” areas, because they believe that the areas don’t have good security as much as other areas. It is wrong. There are many places which is more dangerous than the “buraku” areas.

Thus, discrimination doesn’t disappear quickly. Nowadays, Japan is getting globalization and we can accept many new ideas from all over the world. The new ideas will lead Japan to a better way. However, Japanese should face domestic problems such as discrimination. This is only the way to make a better future for everyone.

1 comment:

  1. I like your topic sentence at introduction paragraph, and also your conclusion is well organized.
