Sunday, April 10, 2011

How is my future?

Saki Miyamoto

I have not decided yet about a goal in my life, but I like English. I would like to use in English as a tool of job or communication when I travel around the world. I have no idea about a long-range goal in my life because I haven’t decided to my dream yet; however, I have a short-term goal now.

I have two goals in the school life. One is to keep studying in English and improve my English skill, and another is to find my dream. I study in English in university, and came to Spokane to improve my English skill now. I want to improve my English skill more than before in Spokane. I’m not good at Speaking and Writing. I will talk with a lot of native speakers to practice speaking. I like talking with my friends, so I think it is easy for me to do. I understand the grammar a little because I studied hard when I was a high school student, but I didn’t write an essay and journal in the high school. I haven’t skill to write an academic writing. It’s very difficult for me to write, but I’m happy if I can write a better essay or journal through a rewrite. I can work hard because of it, and I want to improve the writing skill.

To find my dream is the most important in my life. It doesn’t make sense if I study hard without dream. It’s very boring to just live a school life, so I belong to an event club. I learn a lot of things from it like the management and relationship. I challenge something which I’m interested in. Moving actively makes my life wonderful, so I would like to challenge a lot of things as much as I can, and find my dream.

I don’t know in the future, but I have a short-term goal now. I will keep challenging what I’m interested in for it, and I will also keep studying or using in English because I like English so much.

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