Sunday, April 10, 2011

different class style

Saki Miyamoto

I went to Cheney High School with my classmates. I met my pen pal, Michelle, there, and then, we went to the music class. I was a little nervous and confused because we moved the next class too fast as soon as we met. I just stayed only one class; however, I found a lot of interesting differences between Japan and America. Those made me excite and inspire.

First of all, I found there were no desks when I entered the class. The students sad down on the chairs and their bags were left on the entrance. Some people hadn’t nothing like textbooks, pencil boxes and notebooks. I was surprised so that we have desks, chairs, textbooks and pencil boxes in Japan. The most thing which I was interested in was the students were more active and spoke a lot in the class. I know American class style, but I felt it very deeply. Some boys raised their hands quickly when the teacher asked them which part sang a song at first. The students talked with not only the teachers but also their friends. The class was not quiet like Japan, but the students, girls and boys, were seemed good friends. I had one more point that I thought they were good friends; that is, girls and boys were mixed in the class. They were not separated from the sex. On the other hand, the girls sat down in the girls group and the boys sat down in the boys group every class in Japan because we were separated. I think American style is nice, but if we were mixed in Japan, we couldn’t talk with each other more, and also couldn’t sing a loud voice more because of the shyness.

The time I talked with Michelle was not so long, but I found a lot of interesting things through I took the music class with her. The girls and boys were seemed to be good friends because they were mixed in the class, and there are no desks, no texts and no notebooks; that’s why, they can concentrate on singing a song and response not only what the teacher says but also what their friends say opposite to Japanese music class style.

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