Sunday, April 10, 2011

My unique grandfather

Saki Miyamoto

I wish I could meet my grandfather again! My grandfather was a unique man. My parents always told me his unique story, but I don’t know well how his voice was, his character was and his life was because my grandfather was dead when I was a twelve years old. I just remember a certain memory that I helped him to eat a meal and his funeral. I would like to know about him more and talk with him because I couldn’t spend more time with him.

I heard some grandfather’s life from my parents. My grandfather was not only a soldier but also a fisherman. The time he lived was a war, so he had to fight other countries to protect our country. My grandfather went to other countries twice to fight them; one was the Arctic and another was the Antarctic. He came back to Japan safely! I was surprised as well as relieved. After my grandfather came back to Japan, he became the fisherman because he lived near the ocean. He didn’t need studying because of the war, so he hadn’t good knowledge. But it made him unique, and everyone loved his character because it was funny. For example, when my second brother was a child, my mother asked my grandfather to take care of him. A few minutes later, my mother heard my second brother’s bawl. My mother asked my grandfather why he didn’t take care of my second brother, and he answered” it was impossible too much cry killed my second brother”, so he didn’t care about just crying. When I heard the story, I laughed at it. And my mother loves talking me about it. I heard other unique stories from my parents, but I have no longer real memory of my grandfather because I was such a child that I couldn’t remember him at the time he lived.

I just remembered that I helped my grandfather to eat a meal and his funeral. I have no other memory of him because I was a too child. Other information of my grandfather is from my parents’ story. I understand he was a unique man and loved everyone. I also love him. That’s why I would like to meet my grandfather again, and talk with him. I wanted to have a great time with him if I could.

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