Sunday, April 10, 2011

My Ideal Woman

By Miu

The person who I want to meet in the world is fashionable, independent and always has confidence: her name is Anna Wintour. She is the editor in chief of “Vogue”. I’m interested in fashion and I love shopping, as you know. My favorite movie is “The Devil Wears Prada”, and Anna appears as the model of the main character’s boss. She is really strict and cool, but everyone respects her. I would like to tell you Anna’s interesting background and character, so you can understand why I want to meet her.

It is not too much to say that Anna Wintour was born to just become the Editor in Chief of “Vogue”. Anna was born in the city of fashion, London. She dropped out of high school and entered the apparel industry. She worked at Harrods which is a famous department store for five years. After that, she drifted from one fashion magazine to another, and finally reached “Vogue”. She became the Editor in Chief when she was 38 years old, and she is still working as the chief more than 20 years later. Anna is 61 years old now, but she keeps creating trends the same as before, no, more than before.

The editor in chief of “Vogue” is famous as a cold person, and her nickname is “Nuclear Winter”. As I wrote before, I like “The Devil Wears Prada” and “The September Issue” is also my favorite movie. It is a documentary movie about Anna Wintour and the story of making the September issue of “Vogue”. For fashion magazines, September issues are the most important in a year, so every editor works really hard. Anna is even stricter; which means she rejects lots of ideas which her staff thought out. Therefore, they sometimes conflict. However, they finally follow their chief because Nuclear Winter is always correct. No matter how they discuss, their aim is always the same; that is, to make the best magazine. For that, her existence is really important and essential.

Anna Wintour is my ideal woman. First, Anna is very fashionable because she sets the latest trends in clothes. She is fashion itself. Fashion is indispensable for women, so lots of women long for her occupation. Next, Anna is independent. She has own opinion and never depend on other people. She doesn’t depend on anyone at all. Her way of life that always carries out her own opinion is wonderful. Finally, Anna always has confidence. She is proud of herself and “Vogue” so much. For these reasons, the 61 year old woman who is the most fashionable all over the world sparkles all the time. She loves fashion and she always concerned about it. Fashion is her source of power. Anna Wintour will continue to be bright and glorious from now on. I would like to be a woman like her someday.


  1. I really like your essay! After I finished reading yours, I actually watched "VOUGE" with Sayuri! I was so impressed by Anna Wintour's way of living! Thank you for sharing your ideal lady!
    By Reika

  2. I like your essay, too. I also like both movies, so I can understand your feeling. I will watch the movie again.

  3. I agree with you. She is cool!!
    These movies explain her character and also are interesting. I like them,too.

  4. I think she is cool! I've never seen the movie so I want to watch it.
