Sunday, April 10, 2011

My Short-term and Long-range Goals

By Yuko

I think health is the most important thing in my life, so keeping myself healthy is both of short-term and long-range goals in the life. We have lots of aims to accomplish, but we can’t try to achieve them without staying healthy; therefore I try to eat, exercise and sleep regularly.

As for the short-term goal during these four months stay is to find who I am and what I can do well. When I did work with my friends to write an essay to introduce my friend and was asked what is my personalities, I couldn’t come up with any appropriate words that describe me. It was a little bit regrettable for me because I have kept spending the life as me for a good nineteen years. But at the same time, I think people who older than me would think you wouldn’t understand yourself well for only nineteen years, but this stay is the best opportunity to know myself as much as possible. And, the time to decide what to do as the future job will come, but my future dream is a little bit obscure. I want to be a web-creator now, but it’s for “NOW”, so my dream might change after I go through many experiences, and by experiencing lots of things, I’ll know what is the most interesting and suitable for me. Therefore, both two goals for those four months stay will be filled by experiencing many things and talking with lots of people in the US and my Japanese friends. I also kept thinking that I want to experience many things in the US that I can’t do in Japan. I would like to make the most of this stay because my mother has been working really hard to pay for this stay, so I don’t want to waste the money my mother has spent for me.

So, I try to experience many things and have a talk with many people at MFWI and in the US.

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