Sunday, April 10, 2011

A Person I Would Like to Meet

                    By Yuko

There are many people who have done great and awesome things in the past and present, and we learn about them in our daily life. It is interesting know a story about a person who we would like to meet. If I could meet anyone in the world, I would like to meet Bill Gates who is a chairman of Microsoft. The reason why I would like to meet him is that I would like to know how Bill Gates could be a person who earns the most money in the world.

Bill Gates devoted his abilities to develop excellent software and has been to many countries to make Microsoft better, so it interests me to know how hard Bill Gates has worked to serve great software to the world. I also would like to know how Bill Gates feels about being one of the people who earns the most money in the world. I would like to know whether having millions of dollars could keep his mind calm. As we know, Bill Gates is good at programming, so I also would like to know how the brain of Bill Gates works while he is carrying out programming.

I will come up with many people who I would like to meet from now on, too, but people who I would like to meet would change as the time when my sense of values changes because I would like to learn something by people who I meet and talk to.

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