Friday, April 1, 2011

Vivid American Culture

by Yuko     

We went on the West Coast Trip last weekend, and visited many places such as Safeco field, Burke Museum, and Space Needle. Every experience was great for me.

     We went to the Burke Museum and heard story about Native Americans. A guide of the Burke Museum spoke to us in English slowly. Although it was difficult for me to understand the story about Native Americans, I was surprised to hear the fact that Native Americans couldn’t write and read. So, Native Americans kept on telling their stories generation to generation by the way of speaking. Going to the Washington History Museum was also interesting for me because I learned how Washington State has grown like growing wheat and apples. We learned the history of Washington State in various ways such as watching movies, exhibitions and wearing clothes which were common a long time ago in Washington State. We also went to Pike Place Market, and there we saw people from many countries and heard some different languages. They were from different countries, but all of them came there to see and feel American culture.

     It’s so important to see some parts of the U.S. with our own eyes, not only listening to what our teachers tell us in classes. The trip reminds me of the proverb: seeing in believing.

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