Wednesday, March 30, 2011



I prefer MFWI to MWU. MWU and MFWI are the same university, but they are not exactly the same. There are some similar and different points between MWU and MFWI. The similar point is class size. At MFWI, all classes are small classes. For other students, a small class is new. There were about fifty students in a class at MWU. On the other hand, my classmates were only eleven. For this reason, class size is a similar point for me.

There are some different points. First, there’re no Japanese teachers. Japanese teachers sometimes spoke Japanese, so I tended to speak Japanese. At MFWI, there are no teachers who speak Japanese. Consequently, I can concentrate on English. Second, there are many opportunities to share my opinion with my classmates. All classes have a time to talk with my classmates. In Professor Brooks’ class, I had a lot of chances to share my opinion, yet the other classes had few chances to talk with my friends. Finally, the biggest difference is atmosphere. MFWI teachers often ask us “Is there any volunteer?” I like it. Japanese teachers choose a person who answers the question. If the person couldn’t answer the question, the other students have to wait for a while. I thought it was a waste of time. It was strange that the other students couldn’t answer the question.

Consequently, I prefer MFWI to MWU teaching style. At MFWI, my teachers always say that participation is the most important. I have to speak out my opinion in the class. This is more important than anything else. Japanese students are not good at speaking out in the class. However, we have to do it. It’s necessary for the students who are learning English. Most of the students couldn’t speak out in the class at MWU; conversely they can be positive at MFWI. That’s why I prefer MFWI teaching style.


  1. Haruka,your opinion that you prefer the teaching style of MFWI to that of MWU is written clearly with enough reasons. They make me notice that there are a lot of differences and similarities between the two schools. From Miyuki

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