Friday, March 18, 2011

Sixty hostdaughters


My host parents are loved by their sixty host daughters. Homestay weekend is the best weekend at MFWI. We can practice speaking English and learn about American culture. In addition, we can make a good relationship. I spent a precious time with my host parents: Mark and Ruth Danner.

The most enjoyable time was talking with Mark and Ruth at home. We did many things outside the house. On Saturday, we went to their friends’ birthday party. At the birthday party, Mr. and Mrs. Danner introduced me to their friends, so I could talk with many people. On Sunday morning, I went to church, and met their friends. All people in church were so friendly. I shook hands with many people. We had a pleasant time outside the house. However, it was more delightful time for me to spend time with them inside the house. We talked a lot. Their stories made my heart warm. Mark and Ruth have had sixty host daughters including me. Mark has been working at MFWI for fifteen years, and they are a Host Family ever year. They showed me their host daughters’ pictures. My host parents loved talking about their host daughters. They stay in contact with some host daughters, and have visited their host daughters’ house. When they went to Japan, they were really busy to meet their daughters.

Mr. and Mrs. Danner don’t have their own children, but they have many daughters in Japan. They love their daughters with all their heart. They welcomed me as a daughter. That’s why my host parents are loved by their sixty host daughters.

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