Saturday, April 2, 2011

My Goals

What are my short-term and long-range goals in life? In fact, I have never considered about those things. I enrolled at Mukogawa Women’s University without thinking about anything but studying English. I have been learning English for about seven years with no goals, but I have realized the day has come when I have to decide my short-time and long-range goals to keep studying English. I want to discuss what I have been working for and how I can make my goals come true.

First, let me discuss short-term goal: to be more active and responsible for my duty. In fact, looking back to my life at the university, I was too negative to express and behave myself in Japan. In addition, I tended to depend on someone whenever I was in trouble. On arriving at MFWI, I have noticed I have to propose my opinions not only in classes but also in daily life to keep following differences between America and Japan. In other words, I should be required to make myself understood clearly. Additionally, I have to be responsible for what I do because I live with my classmate not alone. I should not be lazy here as I was in Japan; I have to take care of myself. I want to mend my habit and change my mind to meet these needs. Next, let me explain about my long-range goal: teach English to someone who need me. I tend to care about small spots in sentences such as why people use particular words to express themselves, and then I wonder how many people have the same questions like me and how I can help them. I am interested in Linguistics, and I want to learn it as possible as I can if it might take me a long time. I will always be careful to notice whatever can be questions of linguistics and also keep studying English having fun. I have to consider about my aim more seriously, but these are my goal that I am thinking about for now.

It might be true that questions about what my aims are and how I can reach them are the most difficult to answer in my life. It is the fact that I wondered how I would write down my opinions on paper; however, it was an important opportunity and the time to decide what to do in life. I want to be active for everything facing me and answerable for my attitude. Additionally, by behaving myself neatly, I also want to be serious to learn English and linguistics. I will teach English to people who wants to share my knowledge. My goals should be controversial; however, I am going to develop these ideas.


  1. Miyuki, helping others learn English is a very fine goal. And there are many ways a person who speaks two languages can help others! Many job positions require someone who can translate! From: Jude

  2. Dear Jude,
    Thank you for reading my journal and leaving a thoughtful comment. I will do my best to help others studying English although I need to make more efforts! Sincerely, Miyuki

  3. I like your goal journal because it's clear to read. I know, you like the linguistics. Please keep studying it.
