Friday, April 1, 2011

Summary of my classroom observation


How interesting a class of other countries! I visited Cheney High School today and found a lot of diversity. What I got interested in was the student-teacher interaction and the attitude of the students in the class because they were completely different from those of Japan. I am going to summarize what I learned and explain about my impression from the class.

Let me discuss the student-teacher interaction and the attitude of the students in the class that I observed today. It was about a diagram, which seemed to be so difficult. The interesting class had both boys and girls (fifteen to sixteen), and they were seriously participated in the useful lecture of a diagram. The teacher used power point, and the students also used a machine to calculate, which I thought was the latest way to teach something. The interaction between the teacher and students and the attitude of the students in the class was great, for example the teacher asked a lot of questions to make students understand what he said, and they tried to answer questions he gave and ask questions all the time. Although there was a little silence, they also tried to express their opinions raising their hands and respond to him nodding and saying “Yes” and “I do”. The teacher accounted for what one of the students, who honestly said that she did not get it, could not understand in a friendly way: he listened to her opinion and explained the question gently. Through the class, I realized that they helped each other and were connected with strong relationships.

Finally, let me conclude what I learned from the class that I participated in at Cheney High School. It was my first time to see how students in America took a class, and I found many differences between America and Japan. The most amazing things were the relationship between students and teacher and students’ attitude for a class. They were excellent and would hardly happen in Japan. Through this observation, I understood how American students spent their time at school a little bit and deepened knowledge of studying abroad. As a result, this experience encouraged me to know lots of things about other countries.


  1. Miyuki, the high school class you visited sounds like an excellent class. But many other high schools are not like that and may have too many students or a teacher who does not know how to explain very well. I wish I could have had such a good class! From: Jude

  2. Dear Jude,
    Thank you so much for responding to my journal. Your comment is helpful to think about other differences between schools in the United States! Sincerely, Miyuki.
