Wednesday, April 13, 2011

My short-term and long-range goals in life

By Sae

Last year, I wasn’t industrious student at all; therefore, I was often late for school and didn’t attend all classes. I understood it was better to go to school and attend classes, but I couldn’t. I was busy working and doing my assignments every night. Then I couldn’t get up in the morning. In this semester, I want to change my attitude. It is good opportunity to change it at MFWI because I don’t have a part-time job and temptations such as shopping, talking with my friends on the phone and hanging out with my friends. I think it would be easier to begin the attempt in new environment would be easier, so my short-term goal is attending all classes. At first, I will do hard things that I must do such as homework, group work with my classmates, and assignments. Although it seems not to be hard, it is most important to concentrate on what I do right now. Through last one year, Ms. Brooks taught me how important concentration on my work is. Moreover, I have to work hard form now.

My long-range goal is finding my dream and what I am going to be in the future. I used to want to be a flight attendant when I was in junior high school, so I decided to study English and entered the English department. I studied hard and gained some chances to study abroad 2 years ago. However, I realized I don’t like long flight. Because of my awareness, my dream was changed. Although 2 years passed, I still don’t know what I want to going to be in the future. I’m turning from freshman to sophomore: only one year is left to apply for a job. I’m worrying about my future career, but I have to find my desire first. In this year, I will try to do something new and put myself in a new environment for knowing many choices for my future.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you find your dreams soon. You will be happy when you enjoy your work.
